Региональный координационный центр Ленинградской области

Завершился V чемпионат Европы EUROSKILLS 2016

С 1 по 3 декабря в г. Гетеборг (Швеция)  прошел пятый чемпионат Европы по профессиональному мастерству EuroSkills 2016. В нем приняли участие 500 молодых профессионалов из 28 европейских стран, которые соревновались по 35 основным и 9 презентационным компетенциям за звание лучших мастеров Европы. За три дня соревнований чемпионат посетили более 65 000 гостей – в два раза больше, чем ожидали организаторы принимающей стороны. Национальная сборная WorldSkills Russia в составе 43 человек – победителей и призеров национальных чемпионатов по профессиональному мастерству из 18 регионов страны – участвовала в соревнованиях по 36 компетенциям, и завтра возвращается на родину с первым местом в общем зачете.

Национальная сборная WorldSkills Russia показала свой лучший результат на чемпионате международного уровня, завоевав в Швеции 5 медалей по основным компетенциям. Российская сборная подтвердила своё лидерство в электронике и в обслуживании холодильной и вентиляционной техники, завоевав «золото» по обеим компетенциям. С серебряными медалями вернутся на родину российские конкурсанты по графическому дизайну и мобильной робототехнике, а с бронзовой – команда по сетевому и системному администрированию. По медальному зачету команда Российской Федерации заняла 7-е место.

Joinery Photo: Isaac Handel Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff.

Restaurant Service Photo: Sofia Bengtsson Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff.

Hairdressing Photo: Sofia Bengtsson Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff.Automobile Technology Photo: Jana Grahovac Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff. Photo: Fotograf Fotografsson Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff. Photo: Fotograf Fotografsson Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience

Кроме того, члены национальной российской сборной завоевали 4 медали по презентационным компетенциям, которые не учитываются в общем зачете: первое место у России в компетенции «Дизайн интерьера», «серебро» получила команда WorldSkills Russia по предпринимательству, а команда по акватронике и конкурсантка по 3D-моделированию для компьютерных игр вернутся домой с «бронзой».

Painting and Decorating Photo: Alice Rydsund Jones Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff.

Welding Photo: Alice Rydsund Jones Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff.

Plastering and Dry Wall Systems Photo:Isaac Handel Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff.

Wall and Floor Tiling

Photo: Alice Rydsund Jones Permission for material – photographs and/or film or video – taken in connection with EuroSkills 2016, to be used for marketing or communication purposes by the organisation responsible for EuroSkills 2016, their contracted partners, exhibitors and the organisation responsible for WorldSkills Europe or any of its members. Images and/or film is to be used free by the press when reporting about EuroSkills 2016, Skill Competitions or vocational education. All competitors and staff have agreed to figure in photos from EuroSkills in ll partner and press media. The organization can not answer for audience and non-EuroSkills staff.

Участники национальной сборной WorldSkills Russia с гордостью отстояли честь российского флага, завоевав 11 медалей за профессионализм по следующим компетенциям: гостиничный сервис, парикмахерское искусство, технология моды, медицинский сервис и социальное обслуживание, электромонтаж, флористика, сварочные технологии, мехатроника, сухое строительство и штукатурные работы, прикладная эстетика, облицовка плиткой.
